November 17, 2015 - 18:11 AMT
Russia attacks IS-held Raqqa, U.S. officials say

Two U.S. defense officials say Russia has attacked Raqqa, the Islamic State group's self-declared capital in Syria, with cruise missiles and bombs on Tuesday, November 17, the Associated Press reports.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss non-U.S. military operations. They provided no details on targets or the scale or outcome of the attacks.

One of the officials said the Russians gave the U.S. prior notification of the attacks by communicating with the U.S.-led coalition's air operations center at al-Udeid air base in Qatar. The official said this was in accordance with protocols worked out by U.S. and Russian officials in October.

On Tuesday, Russia's security service said a homemade explosive device brought down a passenger plane over Egypt last month that killed 224 people, calling it a "terrorist" act. The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for downing the airliner.