January 29, 2007 - 19:40 AMT
Serge Sargsyan invited to give report in Harvard University
The Harvard University has posted the report by Secretary of the Security Council at the RA President, Defense Minister Serge Sargsyan on the draft National Security Strategy on the website of the Black Sea Security Program of the government school after John Kennedy. Besides, Harvard published the outcomes of the Intergovernmental Committee on the National Security Strategy submitted to the open consideration to the RA National Assembly in December.

As RA Defense Minister's Spokesman, Colonel Seyran Shahsuvaryan, the letter says in part, "The feedback to your report proves the high interest of the U.S. and other states to the published material. We believe that the cooperation existing between the RA Defense Ministry and the Harvard University can be raised to a new level. It will be an honor for us if you pay a call to Harvard to make a report during you recurrent visit to the United States."