February 20, 2007 - 16:08 AMT
V. Oskanian: There are hopes for Karabakh conflict solution in 2007
"I am sure that some progress is possible in 2007 in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement process, stated German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the joint press-conference in Yerevan. He said, proceeding from the worked out documents it is possible to continue the negotiations for search of settlement. And here the OSCE Minsk Group plays a very significant role. Alongside, the German FM underlined that he is against changing the format or passing the discussion of the problem to other structures.

In his part Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian noticed, he is in the negotiation process for already 13 years. "During all this period there were al lot of chances, when it seemed that the conflict is close to be settled. But then the settlement has been postponed. Today the documents on the table allow us to hope that the conflict will be solved in 2007. But still there are a lot of unsettled issues. I think, after parliamentary elections in Armenia "the negotiation window" will remain open," Oskanian stressed.