May 21, 2007 - 14:20 AMT
RA CEC announced parliamentary election final results
The Armenian CEC announced May 19 the final results of the parliamentary elections by proportional lists. CEC chairman Garegin Azaryan said 1391540 voters (59,98%) took part in the elections. 38 002 ballot papers were announced invalid.

The votes divided the following way:

The Republican Party of Armenia - 458 258 votes

Prosperous Armenia party - 204 483 votes

ARF Dashnaktsutyun - 177 907 votes

Orinats Yerkir party - 95 324 votes

Heritage party - 81 048 votes

United Labor Party - 59 271 votes

National Unity party - 49 864 votes

New Times party - 47 060 votes

People's Party - 37 044 votes

Dashink party - 32 943 votes

People's Party of Armenia - 22 762 votes

Republic party - 22 288 votes

Impeachment bloc - 17 475 votes
Communist Party of Armenia - 8 792 votes

National Democratic Party - 8 556 votes

Democratic Way party - 8 351 votes

National Consent party - 4 199 votes

Democratic Party of Armenia - 3 686 votes

Christian Democratic Renaissance Party - 3 433 votes

United Liberal National Party - 2 739 votes

Marxist Party of Armenia - 2 660 votes

Youth Party - 2 291 votes

Hnchakyan Social Democratic Party - 989 votes

  • Final results of the parliamentary elections