May 29, 2007 - 17:02 AMT
If Sarkozy says there is no place for Turkey in EU, South Caucasian states do not have places there too
People in the South Caucasus think that superpowers pay a great attention to the region, but actually the United States and European Union have quite another priorities, President of the RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) Russian Center for Strategic Research and International Studies, head of World Politics Chair in the Moscow State University Vitaly Naumkin stated to a press conference in Baku. In his opinion, currently the accent in the world politics moves to the competition between China and the United States.

Touching upon the integration of the South Caucasus, the political scientist underlined that now everyone is interested in one question: that is -which the vector of political development of the region will be and where it will move towards: "In his time Bzezhinski stated Azerbaijan confidently moves towards the third world. Azerbaijan is located near Europe and moves towards that direction. Naturally politicians in Russia would like to see Azerbaijan closely connected with Russia," he underlined.

According to Naumkin Georgia drops out from the group of south Caucasian states, since the country one-sidedly moves towards the West and the problem of Russian-Georgian relations stands very sharp.

"As to European integration, European politicians think this region can hardly integrate. During one of conferences they stated that the European pot is full and there is no place for new candidate-states in near decades. If French President Sarkozy says there is no place for Turkey in the European Union, it is quite clear that there cannot be any place for a single south Caucasian state too," he stated, reports.