June 28, 2007 - 21:28 AMT
Azeri delegation visited Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Today the Azeri delegation led by Polad Bul-Bul-ogly, Azerbaijani Ambassador to Russia, has crossed the mine-free sector of the contact line between the Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijani armed forced, on Mardakert-Terter (Mir Bashir) road. The delegation was accompanied to Stepanakert by representatives of the Karabakhi side. A delegation of Armenian intelligentsia led by Armen Smbatian, RA Ambassador to Russia also arrived in the NKR capital.

The visit was organized by initiative of both Ambassadors.

During the meeting Polad Bul-Bul-ogly noted the necessity of further meetings with participation of journalists and MPs. "We should choose people who can be tolerate to each other, express their opinion and search for points, which unite us and can help to overcome the crisis," he said.

"Our generation used to live together. Anyway, things were not bad in the Soviet Union. We know each other and we should establish a dialogue and openly express our viewpoint searching for compromise," Polad Bul-Bul-ogly said, IA Regnum reports.