September 21, 2007 - 17:06 AMT
Armenia responded and will respond to fire from Azeri side
"I have always said that we wish stability and at the border. We don't want skirmishes and casualties," Armenian Defense Minister Mikael Harutyunyan said when commenting of Azerbaijan's statements on firings from the Armenian positions.

"Armenia responded and will respond to fire from Azeri side. However, it would be wrong to say that the situation is shaky, since the number of skirmishes reduced with 40%," the Minister said.

"If Azeris inform of firings from the Armenian side it's their own business. Maybe, they just wish to increase vigilance of the nation," the Minister supposed.

When commenting on the fact that Azerbaijan doesn't get tired with repeating that Armenians are the first to commence fire, the Minister noted, "Do you think they will confess they shoot first?" IA Regnum reports.