September 27, 2007 - 15:28 AMT
"The Armenian Genocide" book by Armenian scientist published in Hungary
The Hungarian translation of "The Armenian Genocide", a work by a renowned Armenian scientist, member of the National Science Academy of Armenia, prof. Nikolay Hovhannisian, was recently published in Budapest. The publication was undertaken by the "Armenian Roots of Transylvania" culture center. The translation was made from the publication of 2005, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Genocide.

President of the "Armenian Roots of Transylvania" company and the editor of the Hungarian version of the book Charlotte Iszekutz said that the translation of the book was aimed at representing a rich material on the first Genocide of the 20th century to the wide public and the political circles of Hungary. She also said that their company is striving for the official recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the Parliament of Hungary.

The book is richly illustrated by photographs, provided by the Museum-Institute of the Genocide, Yerevan.

Professor Nikolay Hovhannisian has been engaged in the studies of the Genocide for a very long time. He is the author of 45 works dedicated to the matter, 5 of which are well known and accepted among the international science circles. One of his works in English, entitled "The Armenian Genocide. Armenicide" was fully translated into Turkish and published in Istanbul, 2005. Parts of that work were also published in the "Marco Polo" journal in Venice, Azg newspaper reports.