November 2, 2007 - 18:25 AMT
Protest action in Tbilisi may turn indefinite
The duration of the rally organized by the Georgian unified opposition may be indefinite, if the authorities refuse to open dialogue, the opposition staff said. "We will wait till 6 p.m. We drew over 100 thousand people into the street and this is the best proof that the nation doesn't agree with the leadership's policy," said Giorgi Khaindrava, one of the opposition leaders.

Shota Rustaveli Avenue is crowded. It's impossible to estimate the exact number of protesters, as people continue to come. The main demand of the opposition is pre-term parliamentary elections.

Georgian parliament speaker, Nino Burjanadze is holding consultations with parliamentary majority. Givi Targamadze, chairman of the committee on defense and security, said if the situation in Georgia was like that in Ukraine, President Saakashvili would make a similar decision. "President should know better. But the opinions of the President and opposition differ," he said.

Georgian ex-President Eduard Shevarnadze called on the authorities to seek for compromise. "Compromise should be found anyway. Bloodshed is inadmissible. It can provoke a civil war. The government should demonstrate patience and flexibility," he said, Novosti Georgia reports.

Eduard Shevarnadze sent in his resignation as result of the Rose Revolution in 2003.