May 16, 2017 - 10:46 AMT
Azerbaijan fires from mortar and grenade launcher towards Karabakh

Around 55 ceasefire violations by Azerbaijan were registered on the contact line with Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) on May 15 and the following night, with more than 1200 shots fired from various caliber firearms.

Besides, Azeri forces also employed a 60-mm mortar and hand-held grenade launcher in various directions of the frontline.

Artsakh defense army troops took retaliatory measures to suppress the rival's attacks and continue controlling the situation along the contact line.

Also, Azerbaijani armed forces on May 15, at around 4:30pm initiated provocations along the Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) border, using a guided missile to open fire towards a Karabakh army military objective.

According to the Artsakh army, "one unit of military equipment was partially damaged."

In a statement, the Karabakh Defense Army said it has sustained no manpower losses in the attack.