May 20, 2017 - 12:49 AMT
Researchers unveil 'worst social media for young mental health'

Instagram is rated as the worst social media platform when it comes to its impact on young people's mental health, a UK snapshot survey suggests, according to BBC News.

The poll asked 1,479 people aged 14-24 to score popular apps on issues such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, bullying and body image.

Instagram said keeping the platform a safe and supportive place for young people was a top priority.

Mental health charities urged companies to act to increase users' safety.

The Royal Society for Public Health study says social platforms should flag up heavy social media use and identify users with mental health issues.

Instagram says it provides tools and information on how to cope with bullying and warns users before they view certain content.

The RSPH report says that "social media may be fuelling a mental health crisis" in young people.

However, it can also be used as a tool for good, the report said. Instagram, for example, was found to have a positive effect on self-expression and self-identity.

About 90% of young people use social media - more than any other age group - so they are particularly vulnerable to its effects, although it is not clear what these are on current evidence.