December 27, 2007 - 15:17 AMT
Kosovo can trigger chain reaction, Russia says
Russia reserves the right to redirect approaches to the so-called unrecognized republics in the post soviet space. "In case of the unilateral recognition of the independence of Kosovo and Metohija, Russia will be entitled to change its approach to the so-called unrecognized republics in the post-soviet regions - South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria," the chairman of the Council of the Federation (upper chamber of the Russian parliament), Sergei Mironov said.

"All know that Russia supports Belgrade not because it loves Serbia. Moscow has hinted that it will use Kosovo independence for establishing its own order in Russia's "underbelly". Russia warns against a chain reaction Kosovo's independence can trigger. Lawyers say Kosovo will become a precedent. Besides, Moscow is the host at its backyard irrespective of a piece of land in faraway Balkans," Die Presse reports.