January 10, 2008 - 17:51 AMT
Kosovo parliament elects President and Prime Minister
Kosovo's parliament approved on Wednesday the new government proposed by Prime Minister Hashim Thaci to lead the ethnic Albanian UN-run province to independence from Serbia.

The parliament also voted to give President Fatmir Sejdiu a second five-year term, under a power-sharing deal between the two main parties.

"We will not promise miracles, but we believe that, with this team and with a support from the US, EU and NATO, we can do better in Kosovo," Thaci said after the vote.

Sejdiu said the deal guaranteed Kosovo's determination to proclaim its independence.

"Independent Kosovo, which will soon get international blessing, will be fully devoted to development and cooperation with all countries in the region," he said after his election.

Sejdiu, who took over the presidency after the death of Ibrahim Rugova in January 2006, heads the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). Thaci is leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK).

Both parties are represented in the government announced by Thaci late Tuesday. There are three additional posts for representatives of minorities, including two for the 100,000-strong Serb community, which largely boycotted the November 17 elections, the AF reported.