September 9, 2017 - 13:28 AMT
Baku closes down cafe 'for suspicion of protecting Armenians'

A cafe in central Baku called 26, located near the Sahil park (formerly named after the 26 Baku commissars) was closed down due to "suspicion of providing protection to Armenians."

Even head of Baku Executive Power Hajibala Abutalibov came to the territory to say that the opening of a cafe with such a name in the center of Baku is unacceptable, Sputnik Azerbaijan writes.

"Let the Armenian patrons who live here understand that dashnaks have no place in Azerbaijan," Abutalibov said.

Dashnaks are the members of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation - Dashnaktsutyun.

He also said that the facility will be closed and the property will be confiscated. According to him, the lessor and operators of the facility will be brought to criminal responsibility.