February 14, 2008 - 15:32 AMT
Skinheads accused of murdering 8 people to stand trial
Five young skinheads accused of a series of nationalist assaults in Moscow will stand trial. The prosecutor's office said the gang consisted of students of vocational schools aging 16-19. During a search in their homes, investigators found extremist literature and video materials. The teenagers also visited web sites to get information how to commit a crime and avoid responsibility.

Armed with axes, hammers and knifes, the teens hunted out persons of non-Slavonic nationality and assaulted them. Five people from Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia as well as one Russian citizen were killed from February to April 2007. Two people died immediately. Three were taken to hospital and survived.

The gang members are accused of incitement of national hatred, abasement of human dignity and violence.

The case was brought before the court today, ITAR-TASS reports.