March 9, 2018 - 14:32 AMT
Trump reportedly made a move on Armenian woman but was rejected

A 26-year-old aspiring Armenian actress, Edita Shaumyan reportedly caught the attention of then-businessman and reality TV star Donald Trump at a major beauty pageant in Moscow, Yahoo News says in an extensive article about how the current U.S. president’s bonded with Russia.

The article is based on the the first of two excerpts adapted from “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump” (Twelve Books), by Michael Isikoff, Chief Investigative Correspondent for Yahoo News, and David Corn, Washington bureau chief of Mother Jones. It will be released on March 13.

Trump was running through a whirlwind schedule to promote that evening’s extravaganza at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall: the Miss Universe pageant, in which women from 86 countries would be judged before a worldwide television audience estimated at 1 billion.

After the event, there was a rowdy after-party with lots of vodka and loud music.

Shaumyan reportedly made her way into the VIP section, entering the roped-off area at the same time as a famous Russian rap singer named Timati. Shaumyan caught Trump’s eye.

He approached her, gestured to Timati, and asked, “Wait, is this your boyfriend? You’re not free?” She said no, she wasn’t there with Timati. “You’re beautiful,” Trump told her. “Wow, your eyes, your eyes.” According to Shaumyan, “He said, ‘Let’s go to America. Come with me to America.’ And I said, ‘No, no, no. I’m an Armenian. We’re very strict. You need to meet my mother first.’” When other women approached trying to get photographs with Trump, he took hold of Shaumyan’s arm and said, “Don’t go. Stay. Stay.” Shaumyan took selfies with him. (She later produced five photos and a video of her with Trump that night.) But nothing further happened. Trump later had somebody give Shaumyan his business card with his phone number on it. She never called.