August 8, 2008 - 15:26 AMT
Vafa Guluzade offers Azerbaijan to follow Georgia's example?
Georgia has done right to restore its territorial integrity, an Azeri political scientist said.

"My forecasts are coming true. Moscow leaves the region permanently. It's incapable to defend its creatures in South Ossetia," Vafa Guluzade said.

"Saakashvili gambled on the U.S. and NATO and proved right. With NATO's help, he formed a strong army. I have numerously stated that Russia will leave the region but many treated my opinion with skepticism. Now I do say that in order to return Karabakh, Azerbaijan should be closer to the U.S. and NATO. With their support, we will free Karabakh from separatists. You will witness Russia's shameful leaving of Armenia soon. After events in South Ossetia, Armenians will understand that Russia will betray them," he said, reports.