October 2, 2020 - 16:50 AMT
Armenia says no ceasefire unless mercenaries ousted from the region

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has told U.S. President’s National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien that no ceasefire is possible in Nagorno-karabakh unless mercenaries and terrorists fighting on Azerbaijan's side are ousted from the region.

Pashinyan and O'Brien discussed the situation on the frontline.

Ambassador O’Brien expressed deep concern on the part of the United States over the situation in the South Caucasus. He reaffirmed the U.S. interest in establishing an immediate ceasefire, achieving stability, and the United States’ readiness to be of service to Armenia and the region.

Ambassador O’Brien stressed that there is no military solution to the conflict and went on to reaffirm the position expressed by the U.S. President in today’s joint statement made with Presidents Putin and Macron.

The Prime Minister provided details of the current situation to O'Brien. Nikol Pashinyan stressed the fact of Turkey’s involvement in hostilities and the deployment of Syrian mercenaries and terrorists in Azerbaijan. The Premier highlighted the need to oust the mercenaries and terrorists from the region, without which he said a ceasefire is impossible.

Azerbaijan launched a large-scale offensive against Karabakh (Artsakh) in the morning of September 27, shelling Armenian positions and civilian settlements with large caliber weapons and rocket systems. Armenia and Karabakh have introduced martial law and total mobilization. The Armenian side has reported deaths and injuries both among the civilian population and the military. international and local journalists too have been injured in Azeri shelling of civilian settlements.