February 20, 2009 - 20:18 AMT
Premiere of Gzhuk, Armenian analogue of Yeralash, took place in Yerevan
On Feb. 20 in Moscow movie theatre hosted the premiere of Gzhuk, a comic TV journal for children.

5 out of 15 ready editions of TV journal were screened.

"It was pretty hard to find Armenian directors specializing in comedies, as comedy is not too popular in modern Armenian culture. Yet, thanks to Gzhuk, the children will be able to find something kind, funny and instructive among the programs soap opera-flooded television has to offer" said Gzhuk Art Manager Armen Vatyan. "Still, we're not trying to preach at kids."

Actress Lala Mnatsakanyan, who directed 2 Gzhuk editions, said, "Russian Yeralash is 35 years old while we're celebrating the fist steps of little Gzhuk."

She added that working with kinds was both a hard and a pleasing experience, as they're very sensitive to lies and falseness, and that "made you put your whole soul into the work."

The journal was directed by: Lala Mnatsakanyan, Lusine Erindjakyan, Grigor Khatchatryan, Tigran Khzmalyan, Armen Vatyan, composer Arthur Mitinyan and others.

According to Armen Vatyan, in near future Gzhuk cinema award ceremony will is planned where the best child actor will be given a prize.

Starting from next week Gzhuk will be broadcasted on Public Television of Armenia. The comic TV journal for children was created by the Armenian National Cinema Center with the assistance of Ministry of Culture.