March 25, 2022 - 10:42 AMT
Azerbaijan attacks Karabakh; Drone offensive leaves soldier injured

Azerbaijani armed forces violated the line of contact near the village of Parukh in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) on Thursday, March 24, the NKR InfoCenter reported.

The Azeri troops managed to take Parukh and Karabakh Defense Army positions nearby under their control, using combat drones in the offensive and injuring one Armenian soldier.

Lengthy negotiations of the Russian peacekeeping troops and the relevant bodies of Artsakh did not yield significant results, and "the enemy did not return to the starting positions."

"We expect that the Russian peacekeepers will take measures to return the Azeri units to their starting positions," the Artsakh authorities said, adding that the situation is relatively stable on Friday morning.