April 9, 2009 - 22:08 AMT
Yerevan -Transit music project to head for Ukraine
Sharm Holding Company plans to continue Yerevan -Transit music project. Ukraine became the next direction for the popular project. The first Yerevan-Kiev-Transit concert is scheduled in autumn 2009. Negotiations are conducted to ensure participation of famous Ukrainian singers: Sofia Rotaru, Tina Karol, Ani Lorak, Vladimir Grishko, Gaytana, Svetlana Loboda, Viagra band.

Ukrainian project will feature joint performances of Armenian and Ukrainian singers in both languages. The project is organized with the assistance of Ukraine's Armenians Union and Armenian Youth Union in Ukraine, Analitika.at.ua reported.

The previous project, Yerevan-Moscow-Transit, launched in 2005. Joint work of Russian and Armenian show business stars resulted in creation of 4 musical albums.