October 24, 2022 - 13:16 AMT
Armenia could criminalize actions aimed at renunciation of sovereignty

The Ministry of Justice of Armenia has proposed making amendments to Article 412 (Violations of territorial integrity) of the country’s Criminal Code, which would provide for the criminalization of calls or actions aimed at the renunciation or partial restriction of sovereignty.

The draft proposal was published on e-draft.am over the weekend.

"After the adoption of the draft, actions aimed at the complete or partial restriction of the sovereignty of Armenia through the use of violence or the threat of violence in favor of another state or an international or supranational public organization, as well as public calls for the renunciation of sovereignty, will be considered criminal offenses," the draft reads.

According to the Justice Ministry, the project is aimed at protecting the sovereignty of the country.

As punishment for the crime, the Ministry of Justice proposes to establish imprisonment for a term of 12 to 15 years.