May 29, 2009 - 19:46 AMT
Georgia throws down challenge to Saakashvili
Iliya II, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia called on Mikhail Saakashvili and his team to conduct extraordinary elections. The authorities were shocked over the statement.

Firstly, as the Patriarch's authority in Georgia possesses is considered colossal and indisputable. Secondly, as early as the day before Iliya II made the opposite statement: extraordinary elections could be dangerous. Now it has been clarified that the statement was made under the pressure of Saakashvili's closest team-mates.

"Our yesterday's statement was made to take the strain off the situation. It was known that the authorities were not prepared to compromise; in case of decisive actions on behalf of demonstrators, bloodshed could be expected. Based on national interests, The Church assumed a heavy burden and made a step to protect our nation from serious danger. It does not mean the problem is solved. The situation remains serious. The authorities have to undertake steps in order to relieve the strain - by either conducting extraordinary election or negotiations," Izvestia cited the Patriarch as saying.