June 18, 2009 - 23:26 AMT
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps deployed in Tehran
Iranian presidential challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi has called on his supporters to hold a day of mourning on June 18 for those killed in post-election protests, Reuters reported.

Tehran has been swept by mass demonstrations over alleged ballot fraud in the landslide reelection of the hardline president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on June 12. Eight people were shot dead on June 15 during street protests.
On his website Mousavi asked supporters to wear black in respect of the victims. The opposition rallies are expected to be held in front of the United Nations offices and at Imam Square, the network said.
"I ask the people to express their solidarity with the families... by coming together in mosques or taking part in peaceful demonstrations," Al Jazeera quoted him as saying.

Supporters of the defeated reformist candidate held a fifth day of rallies in the Iranian capital on June 17 afternoon, in defiance of a government ban.
The country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has declared his support for Ahmadinejad, calling him the "elected president." However, Khamenei has not been seen in public since the election.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps were deployed in Tehran. Access to hundreds of internet portals is still blocked.