June 25, 2009 - 22:22 AMT
External issues of Armenia have to be solved in agreement with Diaspora
"Armenians of Russia, particularly Krasnodar Region, have certain mistrust for political and economical processes in Armenia. But, despite this, stable cooperation is registered in some cases, though not at scale we'd wish. In particular, we put many of our hopes in Diaspora Ministry. Unfortunately, they weren't fulfilled," Chief Editor of Yerkramas Russian Armenians' newspaper Tigran Tavadyan said.

According to Tavadyan, the Armenian community was mildly shocked over Armenian -Turkish road agreement signed on the eve of Apr. 24. "The community felt mortified after the document was signed. We believe that Armenian authorities have to reckon with Diaspora's opinion in international recognition of Genocide and NKR conflict settlement issues."

When questioned by PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, if any investments were made by Armenian businessmen of Russian Diaspora into the development of NKR, Tavadyan answered in the affirmative.