June 27, 2009 - 17:27 AMT
Baku suggests a deal to Moscow: Nagorno Karabakh instead of gas
"I am hardly to be suspected in the pro-Western position, but in relation to gas sale to Russia, I would advise to Azerbaijan measure thrice and cut once. Russia a country that it is not always complied with its agreements. Let's remember its attitude towards Belarus or Turkmenistan. Therefore, Baku should treat more carefully this matter," Araz Alizadeh, co-chairman of SDPA said, commenting the projected signing of gas agreement between Azerbaijan and Russia.

"Azerbaijan needs to make a condition for Moscow before signing gas agreements. If Moscow helps us to solve the Nagorno Karabakh issue, there would be reasonable to give gas to Russia. But let's not forget that we had exactly the same illusions when we were giving our oil to the West. Invested billions of dollars into country's economy, the oil giants are now not going to risk them, and today naked threat of sanctions against Azerbaijan is voiced in the statements of international organizations and Western diplomats in the case if hostilities are renewed.

Should we cause a backflash this time again, signing a contract with such a powerful company as Gasprom? I believe, we need to raise the issue of Nagorno Karabagh to Russia, Araz Alizadeh said, 1news.az report.