July 29, 2009 - 20:11 AMT
New MG OSCE Co-Chairs will more often communicate with Stepanakert
MG OSCE CO-Chairs replacement contains a number of messages directed to NKR conflict parties, Head of Eurointegration social organization Karen Bekaryan told a news conference in Yerevan.

"Publication of Madrid principles is among those messages. By publicizing them, Co-Chairs let parties know they have no problems with each other and unproductiveness in negotiations can't be explained by assumed problems between Co-Chairs. Besides, the CO-Chairs meant to brief Armenian and Azeri societies on the format and basic points of negotiations," Armenian expert emphasized.

He added that by replacement of Co-Chairs mediators meant to show their lack of satisfaction with work conducted and a need for more drastic measures. According to Bekaryan, will more often communicate with Stepanakert. "Co-Chairs will try to demonstrate NKR is informed of the process and involved in negotiations. This will last till NKR actually becomes a negotiating party."

Dwelling on MG OSCE American Co-Chair Matthew Bryza's statements on compromising, Armenian expert emphasized that US diplomat is already envisioning continuation of his career in Baku, for which he's trying to provide a breeding ground.