July 30, 2009 - 22:17 AMT
Armenia took best efforts to normalize relations with Turkey
In the Process of RA-Turkish rapprochement RA took its best efforts and showed good will despite its dramatic history and Armenian Genocide, RA President Serzh Sargsyan said at the meeting with RA Diaspora Ministry-initiated "Return Home" Program participants.

"Within past years we conducted negotiations, signed 2 documents, still, some Turkish officials decided to set preconditions and link Armenian-Turkish relations with NKR issue. We can't accept preconditions as we realize the role of Turkey in the region. Turkey has to understand no preconditions should be set in 21st century, as preconditions lead to counteraction," RA President emphasized.

"Return Home" Program aims at development of Armenia-Diaspora relations. The program hosted 63 students from Russia, Turkey, Egypt, Georgia and Ukraine. The next group of program participants will Arrive in Armenia on August 1.