August 25, 2009 - 19:11 AMT
Mikhail Bagdasarov: "We have no problems: we fly and will fly"
Armavia meets all international standards. We have new planes, Armavia meets all the requirements of IATA," the president of Armavia Mikhail Bagdasarov said, commenting on the recent decision by EU to include Armavia in the list of air carriers, which flights may be banned in 2012 in the EU airports due to environmental considerations. Under the new EU legislation, which will come into force on January 1, 2012, all airlines flying into the EU must reduce emissions of carbon dioxide.

Mikhail Bagdasarov informed, that the EU list includes four thousand air carriers, such as Lufthansa, KLM and others, so it's not just a question of Armavia, it is the issue of all airlines.

"This problem applies not only to the airlines, but it is the problem of aviation in general," Mikhail Bagdasarov said. "We have no problem, -we fly and will fly," he said, press-service of Armavia reports.