September 16, 2009 - 19:29 AMT
Armenian team to know their rivals at selection for Euro-2012 in February 2010
Armenian National Team will get familiar with their rivals at World Cup 2012 qualifying group on February 7, 2010 in Warsaw. 

UEFA Executive Committee approved the scheme for the qualification round of Europe - 2012 championship. The competitions will be attended by 51 national team, 14 trips to the final stage will be raffled off. 

Hosts: Ukrainians and Poles will go to Euro 2012 without any selection.

Champions of Europe 2008 Spaniards are not granted such a right.

Teams will be divided into nine qualifying groups. 10 trips to the Euro 2012 will receive winners and one best second team.
The remaining eight teams will compete for the second remaining four vacancies in the playoffs.