September 17, 2009 - 21:56 AMT
Azerbaijan lies to its refuges by promises to return them their former residences
In case certain NKR territories are returned to Azerbaijan, most of Azeri refugees will have the chance to return to their former residences, NKR ex-Foreign Minister Arman Melikyan told a press conference in Yerevan. However, the politician finds such prospects unfeasible considering possible geographic changes that will make the territories uninhabitable. Azerbaijani side is well aware of that and has agreed to the project.

"The thing is that Iran is currently building a huge water reservoir on Arax. In case it is exploited, former Azeri- populated lands will go beneath water," Arman Melikyan said. At that he noted that it was a very big territory unfit for habitation so Azerbaijan lies to its refuges by promises to return them their former residences.

"If Armenian side had more clearly expressed its position, we wouldn't be facing the problem now," Melikyan said, adding that authorities in Armenia and Karabakh should work hard within the coming years to provide final solution to the problem.