September 24, 2009 - 16:03 AMT
Kasparov leads Karpov 3-1 in chess exhibition match
Garry Kasparov stretched his lead over Anatoly Karpov to 3-1 Wednesday on the second day of an exhibition chess match commemorating the 25th anniversary of their marathon first title bout.

Karpov, 58, won his first game of the unofficial tournament, which is being played in the eastern city of Valencia after Kasparov abandoned the game. Kasparov, 46, rebounded to win the second game as Karpov ran out of time.

On Tuesday, Kasparov won the first two semi-rapid games as Karpov struggled to manage his time.

In each of the four games, both players had 25 minutes on the clock and five seconds added after each move.

Playing whites in the first clash Wednesday, Karpov chose a Grunfeld Defense opening, tournament organizers said. In the second game, Kasparov, on whites, opted for a Queen's Gambit, which Karpov declined.

The three-day match finishes Thursday when the two grandmasters play eight blitz games, in which each player starts with five minutes on the clock, with two seconds added after each move.

The two men waged one of the sporting world's greatest rivalries when between 1984 and 1990 they met five times for the world championship and pretty much drew even: Kasparov won 21 games, Karpov took 19 and they drew 104 times, AP reports.