October 1, 2009 - 15:51 AMT
International Music Day celebrated October 1 every year
Since 1975 by the decision of UNESCO October 1 was declared as the International Day of Music . One of the initiators of celebration of the International Day of Music was a composer Dmitri Shostakovich. 
The holiday is celebrated annually around the world with big concert programs, featuring best artists and artistic groups. 

The mankind has been familiar with music since ancient times. Petroglyphs of long-extinct tribes have preserved in the caves of Africa. The illustrations depict people with musical instruments. The music was recorded through Khazes in medieval Armenia. Ancient Armenian musical notation refers to the VIII century. 

Khazes are signs of musical notation used in the medieval Armenian music. System of musical notation based on khazes goes back to the traditions paleo-Byzantine writing. There are over 40 major, and 20 subsidiary and a number of derived characters. Originating in the 8-9 centuries., Khaz-based notation system was developed to 12-13 centuries in historical Armenia, and from 12 century in the Cilician Armenian State. Since 15 century the development Khazes system stopped, and, with the decline of medieval Armenian culture, it was forgotten. In late 19-20 centuries European and Armenian scholars started to study medieval Armenian musical notation, and Komitas had a special place among them. Now the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts Matenadaran after Mashtots is the main center for research of khazes.