October 20, 2009 - 18:08 AMT
AKP official: Тhere is no deadline for ratification Armenian-Turkish Protocols
The government will send the two Zurich protocols on normalizing relations with neighboring Armenia to parliament this week, but there is no deadline for their ratification, according to a senior Justice and Development Party (AK Party) official.

"The process of ratification will proceed according to developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute," Bekir Bozdag, an AK Party deputy parliamentary group chairman, told Today's Zaman.

The documents are eventually expected to be passed in Parliament, but it is not clear when lawmakers will vote on them. There is no timetable on the ratification, and such documents can wait for years before being put to vote.

Foreign Minister Davutoglu, who has visited the opposition parties to inform them of the protocols and lobby for their support, will address Parliament on Wednesday regarding the documents. "As to when they will be ratified, this is up to our Parliament," he told a press conference on Monday.