December 2, 2009 - 16:42 AMT
Armenian-Turkish rapprochement and Karabakh issue entered active phase
Armenian-Turkish rapprochement and Karabakh issue have entered an active phase, according Republican MP Gagik Minasyan, Head of NA Standing Committee on Financial-Budgetary Affairs. Armenia sticks to its stance on normalizing ties with Turkey without preconditions and within reasonable time-limits, he told today a news conference, adding that such position was approved by President during the party's recent session.

At that, he noted that Turkish Parliament's International Relations Committee's decision on passing final decision expires on December 7, 2009. "That coincides with the date of Turkish Premier Recep Tayyp Erdoghan's visit to United States. On the other hand, Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasian Affairs Philip Gordon reiterated Tuesday that Armenian-Turkish rapprochement and Karabakh issue were separate processes," he stressed.

With regard to Armenian side, Armenian MP said the President has not send RA-Turkish Protocols to CC for establishing documents' compliance with RA Constitution.

Sharing his impressions of the meeting with Turkish colleagues, Minasyan noted that Turkish-imposed preconditions mostly pursued propaganda goals. "Proposing oral preconditions, different Turkish officials anticipate certain positive dynamics in the country's EU process," he noted.