February 21, 2010 - 16:53 AMT
Iran disappointed with IAEA Director General’s report

Iran is disappointed with IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano’s report, Iranian Foreign Ministry’s Spokesman <b>Ramin Mehmanparast</b> said.

“On the last negotiations with the P5+1 in Geneva, Iran’s proposed package was on the agenda and we are waiting for member countries of group to continue the negotiations on the package,” Mehmanparast told ISNA. “We are ready to exchange and buy fuel needed for Tehran’s research reactor, provided that they fulfill our conditions. Political pressure aimed to deprive us of our rights, are illegal and illogical,” he said.

“The IAEA must recognize Iran’s peaceful nuclear rights legitimate and provide our needs in this regard. Iran is the country which has the most cooperation with the agency and is inspected by the IAEA,” Mehmanparast added. “Our nuclear activities are completely clear and observed by the agency. We have repeated this many times and the IAEA’s report has admitted it repeatedly.”

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, for his part, lashed out at the positions adopted by certain western countries against Iran's nuclear program and their instrumental view and use of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

“Some western countries are trying to mislead the international community,” he said.