February 25, 2010 - 15:34 AMT
Russian Foreign Ministry: Upper Lars-Kazbegi checkpoint will be reopened from March 1

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed hope that Upper Lars-Kazbegi border control checkpoint, the only road link between Russia and Georgia, would be reopened from March 1.

"I hope the border checkpoint, which has already been brought into appropriate condition on both sides, will become operational again from March 1," Lavrov stated.

“Russia is also ready to restart regular air services with Georgia,” Foreign Minister said on Thursday, reminding that Russia's Transportation Ministry allowed the Georgian Airways airline to run charter flights between the two capitals in early January.

Lavrov reiterated Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's pledge that Russia would not engage in dialogue Saakashvili, but said this did not mean Russia would avoid broader contacts with Georgia, RIA Novosti reported.

Upper Lars-Kazbegi crossing was closed in July 2006.

The border checkpoint was formally reopened last May, but the lack of diplomatic ties between Russia and Georgia means it remains for all intents and purposes non-functioning.

In the end of 2009, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko stated that reopening of Upper Lars – Kazbegi checkpoint is expected on March 1, 2010.