February 27, 2010 - 16:17 AMT
Berlin to host “I’m not a killer” documentary performance

On March 5, within the framework of “100 Grad” festival, “I’m not a killer” film produced in documentary theatrical style will be presented in Berlin’s Hebbel am Ufer theatre. The film is a story telling about Armenian Genocide. Opening night of a play was held in Berlin’s Heimathafen theatre on February 12, second performance was on February 19.

5 actors and a musician (Armenian, Turkish, French and German origin performers) will be citing extracts from shorthanded entries of Soghomon Tehlirian’s trial, held in Berlin Criminal Court in 1921.

For the first time, the entries were published by “Berlin Publishing Society for Politicians W8”in 1921. Afterwards, second edition of the minutes was published by Tessa Hofmann, specializing in Armenian studies, in 1980-1985.

“Every time, right before the performance, Tessa Hofmann, briefly tells about the historical events. Afterwards, we (five actors) embody all the characters, by citing records of the trial. The performance aims to promote reconciliation and better understanding among nations and countries involved in the process,” performance actor Stepan Gantralyan told a PanARMENIAN.NET reporter.

According to him, mostly Armenian audience attended the first performance. Yet, during the second one, Germans, Turks and Kurds were also present.

“All the tickets for performances were sold. About 80 to 100 people were present,” Stepan Gantralyan said.