June 16, 2010 - 14:25 AMT
Ruben Melkonyan: Israel will give adequate response to Turkey

Turkologist Ruben Melkonyan said that Turkey has worsened the Turkish-Israeli conflict by approving the package of anti-Israeli sanctions.

Israeli will give an adequate response to Turkey, Melkonyan told a PanArmenian.Net reporter.

The Armenian expert added that it is possible that Israel may use the issue of the Armenian Genocide to this end.

Meanwhile, Melkonyan noted that the Turkish statements contain some hints for the relations rehabilitation. “If Israel takes certain steps, it is possible that the Turkish-Israeli relations will return to a normal track. However, I do not think that currently Israel will make any concessions,” noted Ruben Melkonyan.

The Armenian expert added that Turkey’s actions may be viewed in the context of internal policy. According to Melkonyan, the ruling party of Turkey is trying to increase its rating through such steps, as the religious part of the Turkish society welcomes the current actions of the Turkish authorities in the Turkish-Israeli conflict.

Referring to the Turkish-Iranian cooperation, Melkonyan said that today the parties’ interests coincide. “In my opinion, hardly it will deepen in future,” the expert concluded.