June 21, 2010 - 17:30 AMT
Threat of situation's destabilization in South Caucasus comes only from Azerbaijan

Chairman of the NKR Public Council on Foreign Policy and Security Masis Mailyan said that through such provocations and actions the Azerbaijani leadership aims to convince the world community that the Karabakh conflict is not frozen, so that Azerbaijan does not bear responsibility for its transfer into a military phase. "It is evident that currently the threat of situation's destabilization in South Caucasus comes only from Azerbaijan, and in case of negative developments, the Azerbaijani authorities will bear responsibility for catastrophic consequences of their policy," Mailyan told PanARMENIAN.Net.

At the same time, Mailyan believes that the armed provocations of Azerbaijan will be stopped as soon as NKR obtains international recognition and becomes a legitimate part of the regional architecture of security.

"The NKR and Armenian authorities, as well as lobbying organizations of the Armenian Diaspora should actively work in this direction. It is noteworthy that after this incident the Armenian President stated in Saint Petersburg that the Armenian authorities are resolute and believe that they will gain the recognition of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen should put aside the Madrid Principles and start developing a document on rejection of force application or threat of its application. Besides, the OSCE shall initiate an international investigation of this incident. It will serve as a preventive measure against repetition of similar violations of the ceasefire regime," concluded Masis Mailyan.