June 22, 2010 - 17:01 AMT
Levon Shirinyan: countries that recognized Armenian Genocide, should recognize Artsakh’s independence

Armenia should call on all countries that recognized the Genocide to recognize the independence of Karbakh, explaining Karabakh conflict to be another manifestation of Genocide, according to expert Levon Shirinyan.

As the expert noted at news conference in Yerevan, in this context, Armenia can address U.S. Jewish lobby or Knesset. Levon Shirinyan expressed confidence that Armenia and U.S. Jewish lobby will collaborate in future.

Levon Shirinyan characterized current format of the three states, offered by the West and Russia as unviable, suggesting instead for Armenia to advance a new initiative. According to the expert, the reviewed format must include Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, as well as 3 states to be recognized: South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Nagorno Karabakh.