June 29, 2010 - 16:07 AMT
Yerevan to have its own Walk of Fame

Yerevan city administration has finally authorized the laying of Walk of Fame in Yerevan.

“This issue has been discussed for 20 years,” Golden Apricot Film Director Harutyun Khachatryan said.

“The first stars will belong to Hamo Beknazaryan, Ruben Mamulyan, Sergei Parajanov and Henri Verneuil. We all know that Frunze Dovlatyan, Henrikh Malyan ands Stepan Gevorgyan must also be honored but we need time to act in succession. Each year we will add 3 or 4 stars,” he said.

The Walk of Fame will be laid on the Festival opening day. It will be located 2 meters from the entrance to Moscow Cinema.