August 4, 2010 - 15:19 AMT
Hans-Jochen Schmidt: Armenia and Germany closely cooperate in defense and security spheres

Armenia and Germany closely cooperate in defense and security spheres, German Ambassador to Armenia Hans-Jochen Schmidt stated, giving high assessment to collaboration level between Armenian and German Ministries of Defense.

“In my opinion, Armenia should be interested to intensify security sphere-related ties not only with Russia and CSTO members, but also with NATO states, including Germany,” the Ambassador noted at news conference in Yerevan.

Commenting on the role of ISAF Armenian peacemaking contingent, the Ambassador pointed out, “Today, RA Armed Forces have to come up to challenges posed by Karabakh conflict, providing safety on Artsakh territory. This is the reason why it’s hard for RA to alter the defense strategy, willing as Armenia is to participate in international peacemaking missions.”