October 4, 2010 - 20:30 AMT
Euronews gives first reaction to demand on return of Ararat to Armenians

The Presidency of the Forum of Armenian Association of Europe (FAAE) sent a letter of appreciation to the management of Euronews TV channel, hailing its true information with respect to praying namaz by Turkish nationalists on the ruins of Ani.

Head of the FAAE Ashot Grigoryan said that the TV channel noted that Turkey organizes new provocations instead of lifting its blockade of Armenia. Besides, the TV channel made a clear hint, showing the territories around Ararat, including Surmalu province, in Armenia’s colors.

According to Grigoryan, it is the first reaction of Euronews to the speech of Slovakian politician Frantisek Miklosko at the European economic forum, in which he demanded to return Ararat mountain to Armenians.

FAAE noted that the more Ankara develops its nationalistic policy, the severer EU’s reaction will be. Thus, Grigoryan advised the Turkish authorities to study the EU policy towards nationalistic parties of those countries, which became members of the European family during the past 10 years.

“As a response to Turkish nationalists, we state that the Armenian lobby of Europe is going to intensify its struggle for the return of Armenian lands, which were transferred by Bolsheviks to Turkey without any grounds and explanations,” reads the FAAE statement.