November 27, 2010 - 13:48 AMT
Foreigners to be welcomed into Russia’s armed forces

Russia is set to welcome foreigners to serve in its armed forces for the first time, creating a French-style “Foreign Legion”, according to a new Defence Ministry proposal.

Under the plan, posted on the ministry’s web site this week, foreigners without dual citizenship would able to sign up for five-year contracts – and will be eligible for Russian citizenship after serving three years.

Experts said the change could open the way for CIS citizens to get fast-track Russian citizenship, and counter the effects of Russia’s demographic crisis on its army recruitment. Currently, foreigners can only serve in Russia’s armed forces after getting a Russian passport.

Alexander Golts, a military expert and an activist with the Solidarnost opposition movement, said the measure was likely aimed at plugging gaps in the military, due to Russia’s shrinking population.

“Russia is facing a demographical gap right now, and it’s doubtful we’ll be able to sustain an army of 1 million men in the future,” Golts told The Moscow News.