June 7, 2001 - 20:37 AMT
160 American Armenians go for pilgrimage to the West Armenia
. 160 USA Armenians arrived to Stambul where they start their pilgrimage to the West Armenia coincided with 1700 anniversary proclamation of Christianity in Armenia. "Associated press" agency reported about it. The president of Armenian-Turkey business development K.Solak was one of the Turkish group members, which was prepared this action. He said that this visit preparationlasted two years.
The newspaper "Marmara" published in Stambul reported that the head of the USA Western eparchy bishop Khajak Parsamian would join to pilgrimage. Then they will divide into groups and each group will go to the different directions. There are directions to the Amasia, Malatia, Van and other cities of the West Armenia. At the end of pilgrimage all groups will meet in Khars and leave to Yerevan.