February 3, 2011 - 17:50 AMT
National Gallery to open in Artsakh in spring

Grigory Gabrielyants said that National Gallery will be opened in Artsakh in spring.

Location for the building construction has not been finally approved yet, initiator of the idea Gabrielyants told a press conference in Yerevan.

“All fields should be equally developed to secure state’s harmonious development,” Gabrielyants said.

Benefactor Gabrielyants has donated his collection (21 canvases) to the future gallery. The idea on creating National Gallery in Artsakh has evoked a wide response worldwide. The new gallery will feature paintings donated by organizations and individuals.

As of January 1, 2011, the number of paintings donated to the gallery exceeded 300, including works by famous painters Martiros Saryan, Minas, etc.