April 24, 2011 - 11:23 AMT
Heritage: Armenia won’t ask Turkey, other countries to recognize Genocide

Leader of Heritage Party Raffi Hovannisian said the international community has long ago recognized the Armenian Genocide.

“There are tens of thousands of international documents in state archives, evidences of diplomats and missioners, which confirm that the Armenian Genocide was the first genocide in the 20th century,” Hovannisian said on April 24 during his visit to the Armenian Genocide Memorial.

He added that Armenia will not ask Turkey and other countries to recognize the Genocide.

“Any state should know its history. The 1915 events are a crime against humanity. And if the U.S. or Russian Presidents are willing to use this or that term for describing them, they should conceive that these events are the history of both Armenia and the entire humanity, including the U.S. people, since right American diplomats and missioners described these events,” said Hovannisian.

According to him, the fact that U.S. President Barack Obama said “Meds Yeghern” this year, of course, describes the 1915 events, but simultaneously deprives the people of their Motherland. “Today Armenia demands elimination of the Genocide consequences and compensation of the Armenian people’s losses,” concluded Hovannisian.