April 25, 2011 - 14:59 AMT
Arrests of opposition representatives continue in Baku

Another youth activist, who participated in a protest action in Baku, has been arrested on criminal charges in Azerbaijan, bringing the total number of arrested activists to 14.

Member of Musavat party’s youth wing Rufat Hajibeyli has been arrested with respect to investigation of the criminal case on the April 2 rally in Baku.

Hajibeyli was detained during the April 17 rally and sentenced to 5 days of administrative arrest.

However, on April 22, several hours prior to his release, he was detained as a suspect. On April 23, court sanctioned his arrest for 2 months on charges of public order disturbance (Article 233 of the Azerbaijani Criminal Code).

Criminal charges with respect to the April 2 rally have been brought against 12 Azerbaijani opposition representatives and 11 of them have been arrested.