May 5, 2011 - 10:48 AMT
Georgian Laborites dub Matthew Bryza “adventurer”

The Labor Party of Georgia accused the U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan Matthew Bryza of an attempt at undermining the situation in Caucasus, labeling him as “adventurer”.

According to Caucasus Online, recently the party’s Secretary General Soso Shatberashvili mentioned media reports about the meeting between Bryza, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and National Security Council secretary Giga Bokeria. The scenario of Azeri President Ilham Aliyev’s removal was on meeting agenda.

The Laborites are concerned over the possibility of “Saakashvili patron and revolution expert Bryza” becoming an ambassador.

They urge U.S. Senate against confirming Bryza’s nomination to the ambassadorial position and call on President Aliyev not to give an agreement.